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Celebration song - part 1

Celebration song - part 1

It’s always interesting singing intuitively - hearing a more complex song in your head, but then only singing one layer of it. We do this all the time with beloved songs. Such is the nature of light language in general, especially during a song. Transmitting a layer or two of producible sound when really there are soooooooo many layers of rhythm, information, tagged messages specific to individuals or groups of people, transcriptions, and all around good reminders using sound and tonal qualities, expressions to remind you and unlock memories. I remember the first time I returned home after traveling for months and learning (new) bird songs from my travels all across the US. When I returned home a more confident and experienced birder I was eager to make sure I knew all the common bird songs from around the house I grew up in. I was sooooo shocked when I stood there deeply KNOWING the sounds - they felt like home, but also not knowing the names/identities of some of the singers. Light language songs are like that for me - evoking memories without you quite knowing why. Scents do that for many folks as well - the smell of freshly mown grass or hay, grandma’s cookies, lemonade, even certain brands of tobacco for some folks. This was Part One of a song I was hearing and feeling strongly. A base layer perhaps. I was hearing another overlying melody that I’ll share in Part 2. I believe I’ve even recorded and posted this base melody before somewhere. I didn’t look yet but I wondered if it too was around the holidays. You may remember it better than me - if so, please link it below! It would be interesting to see if it has changed very much over time. All my love, Becky Ha•lia 🌺
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